Known issues
We are aware of these issues:
- The outlines may not display correctly after opening a file saved in a previous version of LTTR/INK. This issue is a one-time visual glitch caused by a limitation in the Glyphs 3 API. However, the outlines will render correctly once you save, close, and reopen the file. We're discussing possibilities of adding a Glyphs 3 API for this scenario.
- When you ask Glyphs to Scale Font to new Units per Em, stroke's widths and angles are not automatically adjusted – you need to update Font Master defaults manually. This is a limitation of Glyphs 3 API. We're discussing possibilities of adding a Glyphs 3 API for this scenario.
- When a stroke handle is at the same position as its stroke node, stroke widths and angles may not be correctly applied when generating outlines. This is a Glyphs issue. We've reported it and we're waiting for a fix.
- When selecting multiple nodes and attempting to move them with the mouse, only the node directly under the cursor will be moved, while the other selected nodes become deselected.
- When decomposing a component, its shape may change significantly if a transformation, such as rotation, was applied to it. This is a limitation of Glyphs 3 API. We're discussing possibilities of adding a Glyphs 3 API for this scenario.
- When you toggle the stroke on or off for a component, the glyphs that use this component are not immediately redrawn. This is a Glyphs issue. We've reported it and we're waiting for a fix. However, this issue is purely visual and temporary only (until the affected glyphs are redrawn or you reopen the file).
Should you run into anything else, report it to us please so we can investigate.
Recently fixed issues
These issues have been recently resolved.
- Glyphs crashes if the font contains an instance. Upgrade to Glyphs 3.0.2 (3055) or newer and to LTTR/INK 1.0 (7) or newer.
- The outlines of interpolated instances in the preview panel and when exporting fonts are not correct. Upgrade to Glyphs 3.0.2 (3055) or newer and to LTTR/INK 1.0 (7) or newer.
- The measurement tool ignores LTTR/INK outlines. Upgrade to Glyphs 3.0.3 (3070) or newer.
- The LTTR/INK's bottom panel disappears when you press Cmd[+Shift]+Z to undo/redo. Upgrade to Glyphs 3.0.3 (3087) or newer.
- Stroke is not expanded when you export the font. Upgrade to Glyphs 3.0.3 (3087) or newer.
- Outlines are not shown in background layers. Upgrade to Glyphs 3.0.3 (3089) or newer.
- Outlines are not correct - they are double-applied - in some scenarios. Upgrade to Glyphs 3.0.4 (3100) or newer.
- Glyphs might crash when you export a font with LTTR/INK enabled. Upgrade to LTTR/INK 1.0 (12) or newer.
- Outlines are not correct - they are double-applied - in some scenarios. This is a Glyphs issue introduced in approx. 3.1 (3132). We've published an updated version of LTTR/INK with a workaround for it. Upgrade to LTTR/INK 1.0 (14) or newer.
- When a stroke-enabled glyph contains a TrueType implicit node, Glyphs crashes. Upgrade to LTTR/INK 1.2 (10) or newer.
- Interpolation does not work correctly when all nib values of the master, resulting from the interpolation, are zero. Upgrade to LTTR/INK 1.4 (10) or newer.
- The user interface for managing stroke styles does not display correctly. Upgrade to LTTR/INK 1.4 (10) or newer.