Selectively Activate Stroke

LTTR/INK allows you to activate or deactivate stroke on a group of selected glyphs.‍ This is possible thanks to the contextual menu item in Glyphs's grid view.

1. In Glyphs, navigate to the grid view.

2. Select glyphs that you want to activate stroke.

3. Open the contextual menu of the grid (right-click or control + mouse click).

4. Navigate to LTTR/INK.

5. Click on `Stroke ON`.


The same process is valid for turning the stroke off.

💡 Note: You can also convert the selected glyphs to outlines by clicking on `Expand stroke`.

Next step: Start drawing →

How to activate LTTR/INK Glyphs

To start drawing with strokes, first, you must activate LTTR/INK on the current glyphs layer or for the whole glyphs file.


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