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在 Adobe Illustrator 中画出最精细的笔触,矢量化成准确的轮廓

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Adobe Illustrator Tool Bar with LTTR/INK vector stroke engineAdobe Illustrator pane plugin LTTR/INK vector stroke engine

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忘记了 绘制笔画时对矢量轮廓进行繁琐的操作。使用任意 矢量路径作为骨架 用笔触绘制笔画。

This is one of the best tools I've ever used I should say. Using it feels like using something that should already have been done in Adobe Illustrator.

Aleksander Maksimov
Aleksander Maksimov

I’ve sketched the stroke shapes in a few hours. Without the LTTR/INK it would be way harder.

Valerio Monopoli
Valerio Monopoli


LTTR/INK 是唯一允许您独立控制每个曲线点的笔触形状的工具。


Ability to change the angle of each point allows for a more accurate interpretation when working with Arabic.

Hessa Lootah
Hessa Lootah

This is a must-have for everyone who wants to try or master their typography skills! It makes the process that usually takes a few hours into a 30-40 minute job.

Aleksander Maksimov
Aleksander Maksimov

With LTTR/INK I finished and released my first font Beloid Gothic in two days!

Adam Greasley
Adam Greasley



The consistency of the typographic system is achievable thanks to the intuitive way of defining the characteristics of the strokes.

Ana Michel
Ana Michel

I’ve finished a font with three masters in one-tenth of the normal time. It saved me months of drawing proper shapes with outlines.

Michal Tornyai
Michal Tornyai


向怪异、混乱的笔画矢量化说再见!在 Adobe Illustrator 中,LTTR/INK 可以立刻勾勒出简洁的矢量笔触。

One of the hardest things to accomplish is clean outlines when vectorising lettering. This tool makes it for me.

Jucel Meneses
Jucel Meneses
LTTR/INK outline draw well ploted strokes and convert to accurate outlines illustration by Ana Michel LTTR/INK outline draw well ploted strokes and convert to accurate outlines illustration by Ana Michel


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